Upgrading Automotive Total Loss Claims for the Next Generation
Totalled vehicle valuations and settlements is a legally and transactionally complex, yet profitable, business that requires years of experience to develop and manage. When the hardware and software were beyond past due and something needed to be done quickly but with strong technical oversight the company asked me to help get involved in the containerization and migration of this legacy platform to help bring it to the cloud. Coordinating with talented dev managers on my team, tech leads and architects we successfully helped create working versions of this dated Unix platform to have it running on modern hardware that could easily be scaled to meet the needs of the business and make things easier to upgrade, add features and maintain. I also was ased to oversee the creation of a modern mobile companion to lower the barrier of entry to this platform for Solera.

Autosource Core Engine, Autosource Mobile, Fees, VIN Decode/History API and Total Loss Manager
- Category: Legacy/Dated Platform, Web, Mobile, Turnaround
- Tech Stack: Unix, Progress, .NET C#, Native iOS/Android
- Client(s): State Farm, Progressive, Mercury, True Car, Car Fax, Experian, Mercury, IAA, Snapsheet
- Project date: 2018-2020
- Project URL: https://www.audatex.us/solutions/total-loss-salvage.html and https://apps.apple.com/us/app/autosource-mobile/id1454552307 and https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.soleragdc.autosourcemobile&hl=en_US&gl=US and https://www.audatex.ca/solution/total-loss-management/